A cash donation, whether by credit card, check or physical money, is the most vital donation to our foundation. 100% of all Monetary Donations go toward food and supplies to offset our meal costs. Monetary Donations account for over 50% of our yearly funding, with the remainder coming from grants and contributions. Your generosity keeps the Meals on Wheels mission alive.
Meals on Wheels is not part of the federal government. We rely on the generosity of individuals, organizations, corporations, and grants to accomplish our Mission.
Food drives and food donations have a wonderful impact on our foundation. We prep and cook upwards of 2,000 meals each week and that takes a lot of ingredients.
If ever you’d like to make a donation of food items, organize a food drive, or enjoy extreme couponing, please refer to the wish list below and contact Dianne Waldron, our Program Manager, at 304-263-6622 to schedule delivery.
"Meal Angel"
By making a specific "Meal Angel" donation, you can anonymously sponsor one of our senior homebound recipients and they'll receive hot, nutritious meals delivered right to their home at no cost to them. You choose the length of time (a month for $80... a year for $960... or anything in between!) and they'll receive a letter informing them of the generous gift they're about to receive and will have the heartwarming knowledge that there's a special someone out there thinking of them
Contact our office today at 304-263-6622. Dianne will answer any questions you have and get you started on your path to being a BCMOW Meal Angel
In-kind donations
In-kind contributions are donations of goods, services or time, instead of cash - such as equipment, books, furniture, and supplies, and even advertising, and professional services.
In-kind services are professional services donated by groups such as corporations, small businesses, vendors, colleges, individual professionals or tradespeople.
An in-kind donation involving time occurs when people give their time free of charge or for payment by a third party on the nonprofit's behalf (i.e. an employer might loan paid employees to help support a nonprofit)
No matter how big or small, a bequest is one of the most significant gifts you can make. Your gift can be a specific sum, a percentage of your estate, or even a specific property or asset.
If you have an existing will, it can be updated to include a bequest to Berkeley County Meals on Wheels by making a codicil (an addition to your will). If you'd like to know more, contact our office at 304-263-6622.